

Why Moonturtlez?

We all have different turtle characters that we have loved since our childhoods. As calm as they may seem, they can be wise and funny, cool and crazy at the same time! Turtlez, whose existence on our planet dates back to ancient times, are among the first animals to deserve a journey to the moon πŸš€ πŸŒ›

Β  πŸŒ› No Roadmap
Β  πŸŒ› CC0
Β  πŸŒ› Instant Reveal
Β  πŸŒ› %7.5 Royalities
Β  πŸŒ› 5% (500 reserved for the team)
Β  πŸŒ› Community Driven


Β  πŸŒ› Is there a Discord?
No, we are a Twitter focussed project. We wanted to cut out the noise and need to go to Discord to stay up to date.

Β  πŸŒ› What is the mint price?
Free + gas. 2 mint per wallet.

Β  πŸŒ› What is CCO?
CC0. This means there is no copyright. You can modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Β  πŸŒ› Where can I buy Moonturtlez?
By minting above, and then on the secondary market, via OpenSea and LooksRare.

Β  πŸŒ› What is the utility/roadmap?
We got sick of seeing BS roadmaps presented in a hope to gain trust. Instead, we aim to under promise and overdeliver. Follow the story on Twitter and enjoy the ride, we have plenty to offer.

Moonturtlez is a community driven collection of 8,888 randomly generated NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. What you see is all that there will ever be. What are you waiting for? As Conant said, "Behold the turtle. He must stick his neck out if he’s ever to get anywhere."




1/1 ART





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